Add CouponCodes to a Coupon
Add CouponCodes to a Coupon. The applies_to_count and usage_count properties can be set globally or per CouponCode.
Using the global settings can be combined with the per CouponCode settings, then all the CouponCodes that do not have individual settings will inherit the global settings.
The CouponCodes are the actual codes that the visitors will fill in on Orders to get discount. This also holds the information about how many times the CouponCode can be used.
To which type the CouponCode applies and the discount the CouponCode gives are determined by its Coupon, which is its description.
- 200
- 403
- 404
- 406
- 409
The created CouponCodes.
Unauthorized. You do not have permission to manage the Coupon.
Coupon not found.
Request is invalid, see error context for validation errors.
Adding duplicate CouponCodes to a Coupon is not possible.