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Create a new Export



Creates a new Export and queues the job for the Export.

Note, if no Events are given, the Events of the requested Company will be used for the Export.



Input data

    name stringrequired

    Possible values: >= 3 characters and <= 255 characters

    The name of the Export.

    description string

    Possible values: >= 3 characters and <= 255 characters

    The description of the Export.

    type stringrequired

    Possible values: [orders, order_tickets, orders_and_order_tickets, orders_and_order_tickets_and_order_products, direct_mail, order_tickets_scanned, orders_location, order_products_optional]

    The type of the Export.

    timezone string

    The timezone the dates and times in this Export are formatted to.

    events uuid[]

    The guids of the Events to include in the Export. If left empty, all Events of the requested Company are taken instead.

    filetypes enum[]required

    Possible values: [csv, xls]

    The filetypes to export to.


Dispatched job for Export was successfully requested.


    guid uuidrequired

    The guid of the Export.

    company_id uuid

    The guid of the Company associated with this Export.

    name stringrequired

    Possible values: >= 3 characters and <= 255 characters

    The name of the Export.

    description string

    Possible values: >= 3 characters and <= 255 characters

    The description of the Export.

    type stringrequired

    Possible values: [orders, order_tickets, orders_and_order_tickets, orders_and_order_tickets_and_order_products, direct_mail, order_tickets_scanned, orders_location, order_products_optional]

    The type of the Export.

    timezone string

    The timezone the dates and times in this Export are formatted to.

    order_count integer

    The total Order count for Export.

    processed_order_count integer

    How many Orders are already added to Export.

    location string

    The download hash of the Export.



    The download links of the Export.

  • Array [

  • :filetype url

    The download link for this filetype.

  • ]

  • created_at ISO 8601

    The time it was created.

    updated_at ISO 8601

    The time it was last updated.

    deleted_at ISO 8601

    The time it was deleted.



  • Array [

  • guid uuidrequired

    The guid of the Event.

    company_id uuid

    The guid of the Company the Event belongs to.

    location_id uuid

    The guid of the Location the Event belongs to.

    event_refund_setting_id uuid

    The guid of the EventRefundSetting of the Event.

    name stringrequired

    Possible values: <= 255 characters

    The name of the Event.

    description string

    Possible values: <= 65536 characters

    The description of the Event.

    email_info string

    Possible values: <= 1000 characters

    Extra information added to the email sent to ticket buyers.

    type stringrequired

    Possible values: [once, repeating]

    The type of the Event. This is either "repeating" or just "once".

    status stringrequired

    Possible values: [disabled, normal, sold_out, refunding, moving]

    Default value: normal

    The current status of sale or refund of the Event. One can set the status of a Ticket Type here.

    visitor_contact_email email

    Possible values: <= 255 characters

    Contact email for visitors.

    visitor_contact_phone phoneNumber

    Possible values: <= 255 characters

    Contact phone for visitors.

    visitor_contact_url string

    Possible values: <= 255 characters

    Contact url for visitors.

    website url

    Possible values: <= 255 characters

    The website of the Event.

    locale IETF BCP 47required

    The locale of the Event.

    currency ISO 4217required

    The currency of the Event

    category string

    The category of the Event.

    subcategories string[]

    The subcategories of the Event.

    retrievable_after ISO 8601

    The date after which the Ticket Types of this Event may be retrieved.

    auto-prune boolean

    Whether to automatically remove Events from the Shops.



    guid uuidrequired

    The guid of the Location

    company_id uuid

    The guid of the Company of the Location.

    name stringrequired

    Possible values: <= 255 characters

    The name of the Location.

    description string

    Possible values: <= 65535 characters

    The description of the Location.

    capacity integerrequired

    Possible values: <= 9999999999

    The maximum capacity of people that can be at this Location. This number is strictly positive or 0 signaling an infinite capacity.

    latitude float

    Possible values: >= -85 and <= 85

    The latitude in LatLng format.

    longitude float

    Possible values: >= -180 and <= 180

    The longitude in LatLng format.

    address string

    Possible values: <= 65536 characters

    The address of this Location. This is free text, so it can be as large or small as desired.

    public boolean

    Whether this Location should appear in the public listing.

    seats_chart_key string

    The key of the seating chart. See for more information.

    parent_guid uuid

    The guid of the parent Location. In the case that the Location has a parent.

    seated boolean

    Whether the Location provides seating or not.

    created_at ISO 8601

    The time it was created.

    updated_at ISO 8601

    The time it was last updated.

    deleted_at ISO 8601

    The time it was deleted.

  • ]

  • export_filetypes


  • Array [

  • guid uuidrequired

    The guid of the ExportFiletype.

    export_id uuid

    The guid of the Export associated with the ExportFiletype.

    filetype stringrequired

    Possible values: <= 255 characters, [csv, xslx]

    The name of the ExportFiletype.

    status stringrequired

    Possible values: <= 255 characters, [pending, created]

    The status of the Export for this ExportFiletype.

    created_at ISO 8601

    The time it was created.

    updated_at ISO 8601

    The time it was last updated.

  • ]
