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Get ScanActions of Order



Get the ScanActions of an Order.


Path Parameters

    guid stringrequired

    The guid of the Order.


ScanActions of Order found.


  • Array [

  • scanner_id uuid

    The guid of the Scanner to which this ScanAction belongs.

    scanner_insert_id integer

    The auto-increment ID of the ScanAction, within a Scanner, i.e. for each Scanner the ID starts at 0 and will auto-increment.

    order_ticket_id string

    The guid of the Ticket the ScanAction belongs to.

    action string

    Possible values: [check, scan, unscan]

    The action which took place.

    submitted_at ISO 8601

    The full date-time on which the action was originally created.

    created_at ISO 8601

    The full date-time on which the action was entered into the database.

  • ]
