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Import orders



Imports orders into the database



Input data

    render_pdf boolean

    Whether to render a PDF from the Import.

    send_email boolean

    Whether to send a confirmation email to visitor.

    csv_string string

    Content of an import CSV file. This is required when path is not given in the request.

    path url

    The URL path to an import CSV file. This is only used if the csv_string is not given in the request. This is required when csv_string is not given in the request.


Import succesсful


    guid uuid

    The guid of the Import.

    company_id uuid

    The guid of the Company the Import belongs to.

    user_id uuid

    The guid of the User the Import belongs to.

    csv_string string

    A csv string of the Orders to Import.

    status string

    Possible values: [process_pending, process_success, process_failed, process_applying]

    The status of Import.

    render_pdf boolean

    Whether to render a PDF from the Import.

    send_email boolean

    Whether to send a confirmation email to visitor.

    order_count integer

    Number of Orders in this Import. Required if ticket_count or product_count is used.

    ticket_count integer

    Number of Ticket Types in this Import. Required if order_count or product_count is used.

    product_count integer

    Number of Products in this Import. Required if order_count or ticket_count is used.

    created_at ISO 8601

    The time it was created.

    updated_at ISO 8601

    The time it was last updated.
