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Get all Shops this Ticket Type is attached to



Returns all Shops this Ticket Type is attached to.


Path Parameters

    guid uuidrequired

    The guid of the Ticket Type.


Shops the Ticket Type belongs to found.


  • Array [

  • guid uuidrequired

    The guid of the Shop.

    name stringrequired

    Possible values: <= 255 characters

    The name of the Shop.

    description string

    Possible values: <= 65536 characters

    The description of the Shop.

    event_selection string

    Possible values: [auto, enabled, disabled]

    Default value: auto

    Whether to show the Event selection as first step in the Shop. On default this will be enabled if there are 5 or more Events available.

    google_tag string

    Possible values: >= 8 characters and <= 15 characters

    A Google Tag code from Google Tag Manager to include in the Shop.

    company_terms url

    The terms of the Company of the Shop. This is a url.

    css string

    Any custom css the Shop has.

    facebook_auto_attend boolean

    Whether people should be auto-attended or not, when they are logging in with Facebook.

    facebook_page_url url

    The full url to the Facebook Page. This will be shown in shop as header.

    seats_allow_orphan boolean

    Whether for seats, orphan seats are allowed.

    greedy_date_selection boolean

    Whether a date should be preselected. When set to true, the shop always falls back to date-selection mode.

    email_validation_rule string

    Extra rules which can be enforced on the emails when placing Orders, i.e. Laraval validation rules.

    email_must_be_unique boolean

    Whether all emails should be unique, i.e. only 1 Order can be placed with the same email address.

    auto_prune boolean

    Whether to allow auto pruning.

    global_terms url

    Calculated property, the Whitelabel terms a visitor has to accept.

    currency ISO 4217

    Default value: EUR

    Currency for the Orders, currently ignored.

    reservation_time integer

    Possible values: <= 3600

    How long reserved Tickets and/or Products remain reserved. The time is in minutes.

    seats_public_key string

    The public key to use with

  • ]
