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Creating a client

An application can only request access to Eventix resources if it is registered as an OAuth client in the system. You can add an application as an Oauth client through the API, but it is easier to create a client the Eventix dashboard:

  1. Open the


  2. Click on Company settings
  3. Click on OAuth Clients
  4. Change the OAuth Client Name and Redirect URL
    • Name: a descriptive name of the application.
    • Redirect URL: the URL that the user will be redirected to after approving or declining access.
  5. Click the save button
  6. A set of credentials is provided
    • Name: the descriptive name presented chosen above.
    • Identifier: the identifier of the OAuth Client.
    • Secret: the credentials needed to request a token.

Ensure that the secret is never made public, as this allows other parties to make requests on your behalf. This includes keeping the secret out of git repositories! In the case the Eventix team happens to discover a leaked secret, all issued tokens issued by a client with this secret will be invalidated to avoid any repercussions.