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The previous section of the documentation describe how to create an event and a ticket for that event. In this part of the documentation, you will set up a shop resource which can be used to sell the tickets that you created. The process of creating a shop is very similar to the creation of any other resource. As before, you can also create a shop through the dashboard. However, the documentation focuses on setting up a shop through the API.


sold through
sold through

The Entity Relation (ER) diagram shown above omits some of the associations shown in the previous sections. This is done to keep a clear overview of the resources used in this part of the documentation. The remainder of the section explains the new shop and tracker resources. You can find the explanation of the ticket resource in a previous section of the documentation.


As with other resources, you need to create a shop that stores relevant information about a ticket, such as its name. You can sell tickets through this shop, which is done by attaching tickets to the shop.

Initially, a shop has no ticket resources associated with it. However, it is possible to sell many different tickets from a single shop. So, a shop can have zero or more ticket resources associated with it. The reverse also holds. Initially, a ticket is attached to no shop resources, but it is possible to attach a single ticket to many different shop resources. This might be useful for when you, for example, want to create different shops for slightly different target audiences.


After you create a shop, people can navigate to the shop through a link provided by Eventix. However, this link is quite long and does not allow for tracking internet traffic. To deal with these issues, you can use the tracker resource. This resource provides a shorter link to navigate to the shop, and allows for insight into the number of people using this link to navigate to the shop. This can be useful for when you use different platforms to promote the shop, allowing you to see exactly how many people you reached through that platform.

A shop can have multiple tracker resources, allowing you to keep track of traffic from many different platforms. On the other hand, a tracker can only be made for exactly one shop, as it is not possible to have one link that redirects to many different shops.


In the following sections, you will create the above-mentioned resources in the Eventix system through the API. To keep this as clear as possible, only required fields for creating these resources are shown. However, in practice, there is much more information that can be added to these resources. The API reference mentions all additional fields that can be added to these resources.

Furthermore, you need to provide your banking details, and possibly other company information before you can actually start selling tickets through the Eventix platform. This can be achieved through the API, but since you this is information that rarely has to be changed, we advise to simply supply this information through the dashboard:

  1. Open the dashboard
  2. Click on Company settings
  3. Click on Company information
  4. Provide your company details

You should at least provide your Bank account name and Bank account number, as the Eventix system needs to transfer the income from the ticket sales to some account. Providing the Chamber of Commerce number and VAT number is also crucial when you are selling tickets as a company through the Eventix system.


Without the bank details, the income of the sold tickets cannot be transferred to your bank account.